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Ashfield Park Primary

School Day - Arrival and Departure

Our arrangements for the start and end of the school day are in place with the aim of keeping children safe. We meet the current government  recommendations of 32.5 hours per week.

We encourage families to walk, cycle or park and stride to school. We have a designated cycle/ scooter zone. The main school gate is usually manned by school staff (usually our Head Teacher/Site Manager) or member of the senior leadership team. 

Start Time End Time
Reception 8:45 am 3:15pm 
KS1(Year 1 and 2) 8:45am 3:15pm
KS2 (Year 3-6)  8:45am  3:15pm 


We welcome Year Reception to Six children into school when the gates open at 8.40 am. Members of staff are on duty on the gates until they are closed at 8.45 am.

The school doors open at 8.40 am when children can come in to their class to begin their learning. It is important that children arrive on time as lessons begin immediately after registration. Children in Reception to Year 6 who arrive after 8:45am will be marked as late. 

Children from Year 3 upwards are strongly encouraged to come into school independently and make their own way to the designated pick up point.

The school gates will open at 3:10pm to allow you to collect your children at 3:15 pm

Please make your way to the designated pick up zone. Year 4-6 parents should wait on KS2 playground to collect their child(ren) please.

If you have children in two places to collect, please collect your younger child first.

Except for those older children who walk home, children will remain with the teachers until a parent is identified. Children will be allowed to go home only with those adults specified by the parents.

If you wish for your child to leave the school premises unaccompanied, you must inform your child's class teacher/admin team.

If you are unable to collect your child at the normal time please contact the school office as soon as possible.

01989 562738 or admin@ashfieldpark.hereford.sch.uk

We run a very successful breakfast and after school facility so please contact the admin team for further details.