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Ashfield Park Primary

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We are an inclusive school which prides ourselves on our ability to offer a diverse and engaging curriculum. Learning is carefully planned in order to be accessible by all pupils, adapting provision specifically to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) works closely with all staff, to provide targeted support for children with wide-ranging cognition and learning; communication and interaction; sensory and physical needs; and Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties.


We include parents and carers in our evaluation and planning process to ensure they are fully aware of how our school’s provision supports their child(ren) and their holistic development.


In order to support the diverse SEN at our school, we collaborate with a range of professionals to secure the best resources to enable the most effective educational provision.


We encourage open and honest communication between parents/carers and our school, so please contact our SENDCo, Mr. Mark Hopkinson (mhopkinson@ashfieldpark.hereford.sch.uk or 01989 562738), who will be happy to discuss any aspect of SEND with you.


The SENDCo works closely with the School Governing Body to evaluate and update our school’s offer of provision. The SEND Policy and Information Report, which is updated annually, can be downloaded from the ‘Policies’ page. 


Please follow the link below to view the Herefordshire local offer, which contains details of the local authority’s SEND provision.

