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Ashfield Park Primary

Early Help

Many families experience periods where family life has complications.  These are times when you need some additional help and support.  This can come in many different forms and these form our Early Help Offer.  If you have a concern please contact one of the members of the team straight away.  Someone will contact you as quickly as possible and we will arrange a meeting or have a discussion over the phone.

Which staff can offer support?

Our Early Help team comprises of Mr Hopkinson and Mr Kendrick. We can offer someone to talk to, advice where appropriate and can signpost parents to different sources of information and support.

What concerns might parents share?

There is a wide range of concerns parents may have.  These can include:

  • Behaviour management
  • Financial difficulties
  • Housing
  • Benefits
  • Bereavement
  • Domestic Violence
  • Medical worries
  • School attendance

The list above is only a brief outline of help that can be offered.  Any problems can be discussed privately and confidentially.  Where staff are unsure of a specific support group they will contact other agencies to ascertain the correct advice.

What support will be on offer?

Sometimes just a chat and sharing ideas can be all it takes to start a positive reaction to a problem.  However, within the Early Help Team we have specific training and skills to share.  These include:

  • Trained Safeguarding Leads
  • Lego Therapy
  • Nurture
  • Positive Play


How will the support be managed?

Initial meetings will be arranged and informal support and ideas will be offered.  Plans and suggestions made will be recorded for future reference. 

Where necessary links may be made with local schools if the issues are affecting the while family.

At times it may be necessary to complete an Early Help Offer and take advice from other agencies.  This will be discussed and parental consent will be granted before this level of support is used.  There are specific forms that will need to be completed at this stage which will be discussed and shared at all stages.  At this level more formal meetings will be arranged in order to put specific targets in place to support the family and individuals.

What will happen if the help school offers is not enough?

Where improvements and suggested plans are not helping school will contact a range of outside professionals for further advice and support.  These will include:

  • Public Health Nurse
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Behaviour Support
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Young Carers
  • Family GP
  • The Early Help Team
  • Counselling Services

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